Friday 6 February 2015

Footage Analysis Wednesday 4th February

Shot 1

Brandy (Andrew Quinn) and Arnie (Kieran McKenna) running through a park for part of the montage scene within our trailer. With a canterd angle which pans to the left towards the end of the footage.

Shot 2

This footage is a POV shot of Brandy (Andrew Quinn) while running. This footage is supposed to be shaky to emphasise the fact he is running away from 'something'.

Shot 3

Shot 3 is again a POV shot from the aspect of Brandy (Andrew Quinn) running away from 'something' this is to help add a dramatic effect to the running scene.


Shot 4

This is a POV shot from the view of Arnie (Kieran McKenna) running away from something. Within this shot you can see Brandy (Andrew Quinn) running in front of Arnie to help add continuity to our trailer, as you can already see Brandy in front of Arnie within the first running scene.


Shot 5

The two dragons attempting to climb a climbing frame.

Shot 6

The dragons going up a climbing frame

Shot 7

Both the dragons going down a slide one after the other

Shot 8

Andrew talking about how we are learning

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