Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Contingency Plan!


So we ran into numerous problems with All Hail the Chocolate Dragons, such as:

  • It wasn't funny enough to be a comedy, as making jokes in the format of a trailer is a lot harder than in say, a short film.
  • Characters were too young for it to look like a professional production
  • Locations were not fit for characters, such as every indoor location being too clean looking and overall non-sensical (such as anonymous around a window)
  • The plot itself doesn't naturally fit any genre other than comedy.
Because of this we had changed:
  • The genre of the film as it is now a thriller
  • The tone of the film as now instead of being lighthearted, it is now very dark in tone
  • The plot, as instead of YouTube pranksters doing a big prank on anonymous, a guy's girlfriend is kidnapped and he has to follow orders from two masked people or the girlfriend dies. The guy's actions get worse and worse to the point where he becomes irredeemable by the end of the movie.
  • The name of the film to fit the new plot, genre and tone as the film will now be called Corruption Phase

Monday, 15 December 2014

Chocolate Dragons changes

We are going to have to remove aspects of this and change a lot of the story to make this non linear but still make sense
the changes will include

removing scenes that give away too much of the plot

more action, less dialogue

have the wacky time video almost as a voiceover

add in more mystery through scenes we are going to have to redo

Friday, 12 December 2014

what I have done on 12/12/14

Todays lesson I hace edited the storyboard to make it more like what we are going to be doing. This is for LO2

Intro for AHTCD (draft)


On the 11th of December we had planned to film some scenes that included the character of Chad Wagon. However we could not film these scenes as we couldn't get in contact with the actor for several days (leading to a possible replacement of him) and while we got the permission to film for the Millennium Galleries location, we could not get the signature on the permission form as the manager could not find the time. This will lead to a modification of the production schedule.

Lesson Objective 12/12/14

In todays lesson I am going to be completeing the storyboard, and adding all the necessary arrows.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

My Quarter of the Storyboard

Chip: (sighs)

Brandy: Well look on the bright side at least we didn't have 12 views

Arnie: Technically we have 8, we refreshed a few times

Chip: (sighs) look we're going to need some new tactics for this kind of thing, we want to be bigger than.. (points to random video on front page).. Chad Wagon

Brandy: Who?

(Cuts to them watching him)

Chad: So my Wagon Wheels, (jump cut) today I was at Starbucks drinking my coffee (jump cut) and this CHAV came up to me like (jump cut, cringy impression) Yo mate ya got cash for bus for me

(Cuts to dragons paused in shock about to laugh while wagon still speaks)

Chad: like what kind of idiot chav doesn't have the simple money for the bus?

(cuts to the dragons' parody mocking of him)

Edited Chad Wagon: Hello my Wagon PRICKS, I like to wipe my Posh Starbucks BUM BUM BUM over my Physics Teacher

(Cuts to real Chad Wagon looking really annoyed)

Edited Chad: Also Fuck you Wagon Wheels (sound in background)

Chad Wagon: So you want to want to mess with the almighty Wagon

(Title:this autumn)

(Scene of Daggers and Wagon meeting in a coffee shop)

Daggers: Chad Wagon?

Chad: Erwin Daggers, Private Detective... we meet at last.

(Title: Dragons meet Wagons)

Lesson Objective For Today

Within todays lesson I shall be finishing off the storyboard and adding the appropriate arrows for the  storyboard.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Within todays lesson I have uploaded the pictures of the script that has been fully formatted onto my blog. As well as Publishing treatments and call sheets and proof reading them.

Idea 2

Idea 2
The narrative for this is a group of three youtube pranksters who wear masks and are easily impressed by views (such as 50) create a promotional video on their channel that goes viral which is mistaken for a internet hacking threat terms like "wacky time" is thought to be a international threat, a singular ex police officer (now detective) believes this is a terrorist threat after a backstory where trick or treaters accidentally set fire to a corner shop. He tries very hard to crack this fake case of "masked terrorists" by trying to decode videos with no actual meaning within them. An obnoxious British blogger stands up to the "hackers" through video responses so the detective teams up with him to try and stop them and track them down.

Locations: Pranks happen on street, greenscreen incase of unlikely situations, corner shop, office area for detective (potentially a utc room somewhere) ,generic room in house wiith a computer in it, spacious room for blogger so he can jump cut eveywhere with a framed picture of steve jobs "innovation under it in meme text"

Chocolate dragons:
Chip (prankster 1) Scheming down to earth rather intelligent and literal
Brandy (prankster 2) Easily amused/dumb rather childish he gets the most excited about low views and small things in general
Arnie (prankster 3) Very animated rather cartoon-like examples, sometimes gives riddles he makes the "threat" seem more threatening
Chad Wagon (hipster internet blogger)
Private investigator 

Theme and genre: Middle ground comedy theme satire of how society is so afraid of internet hacking, and mocking how in crime dramas they look so deeply into things. 

Target audience: It will probably appeal more to males but easily accesable for females, age rating 15 and above, no specific ethnicity

Title: All hail the chocolate dragons​

Sum Up - Sum up: 3 quirky and unsuccessful YouTube pranksters are mistaken for a cyber criminal threat which leads to an obnoxious Vlogger and a paranoid detective to stop them.​

Script in correct format

Call Sheets for premier store scene

-          3 Youtube pranksters (chocolate dragons) make prank videos with low views
-          Decide to do a big prank where they make a promotional video in the style of a Dark Knight Joker-like threat
-          -Detective sees this video, sees it as a possible actual threat and begins investigating, turning down actual things to investigate
-          YouTube pranksters see the views and unsatisfied (well Brandy’s happy)
-          Make a parody of an obnoxious vlogger called Chad Wagon
-          Detective still investigate in stupid ways
-          Vlogger responds really angrily, Chocolate Dragons known as trolls on the internet but popular
-          While shopping for pranks for their new audience they see Chad Wagon and notice he’s in the same city as them (won’t be in trailer)
-          Detective notices the vlogger, checks out his channel and messages him to stop the Chocolate Dragons
- chocolate dragons realise they don't have anything for "wacky time" (which shows they are even more harmless)
-          Chocolate Dragons begin trying to make music videos and sketches as they’re running low on prank ideas, used them all up before popularity.
-          Chad Wagon and detective team up, detective agrees to allow Wagon to “use his punishment”.
-          Wagon notices how ridiculous the Detective’s methods are, suggests to just look for them, annoying the detective. Who declines and the two argue leading to the detective explaining his backstory which reveals he failed a case to find trick or treaters who accidentally set a corner shop on fire (why he thinks so much about masks).
- the (now popular) chocolate dragons check how they're sketches and music videos are going and realise when they check the comments people are waiting and demanding "wacky time"
-they realise wacky time was meant to be yesterday 
- montage of them trying to work out what wacky time is during the montage clips chad wagon and the detective receive an anonymous email that reveals the chocolate dragons location during the montage we  get to see the potential pranks and skits unfold while chad wagon and the detective dash towards the location cross cutting would be used in this scene 
- Wacky Time is a live stream where the chocolate dragons do stunts on themselves which are fake, Arnie turns fruits into characters like "Samuel" the pumpkin and they try and do prank calls which just fail so they move onto the stunts
- But the live stream is interrupted by chad wagon and the detective come in but the lights in that area are off chad wagon then says "It is I the notorious arch nemesis of the diabolical choco...." chip then interrupts with "could you turn the light on mate, i can't see ya"
- the light turns on while chad wagon is talking and reveals his identity and the fact he is holding a gun sideways
- Brandy screams and throws a pumpkin at chad wagons head ( this links to the halloween trick or treaters to the detective who is stunned by remembering his past, flashback to the stress of his case)
-they then run out of their home (arnie brings the laptop "The show must go on" with Chip replying "you need wifi you idiot" "When the time has come the Wi will Fi" Chip pauses.. "I'm done with you" while running with a tracking shot