Monday 20 October 2014


Scummy man
Title Graphic shows the name of the characters
"nina" "scummy man"
at the end there is a fade out to black to end the trailer

This is England
mONTAGE AT THE START TO SHOW AN ELLIPSIS OF TIME throughout one time period which is the 80s

 has jump cuts when it is in black and white at 0:18 this helps create the mood and the progression of time as an ellipses and helps connote the how fast things change as it  is also uses black and white visual effects this can be to connote the past

donkey punch
ellipses to show a flash to when they are on the taught it is a fade to white which is a quick transition
has a fade of black after she has killed this creates a juxtaposition between the start of the film and the end of the film after he has killed her

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